· Move · Play · Learn
Skills to Build
Sessions will include purposeful movement activities to improve gross motor coordination, body awareness, and motor planning to help each child be successful both in and out of the classroom.
Fine Motor Fun
Campers will participate in targeted tasks and/or craftivities to strengthen the muscles in the hands and improve dexterity. Different materials/tools will be used to address handwriting, cutting, in-hand manipulation, and overall fine motor coordination.
Sensorimotor Discovery
Campers will explore a variety of sensory materials to improve their ability to touch, manipulate, and process sensory information through messy-play activities.
Outdoor Exploration
Campers will enhance their creativity, coordination, and connection to themselves and others through exploring in nature.
Executive Functioning
Campers will participate in purposefully designed games and projects to target their attention, processing/planning skills, and impulse control/regulation skills.
Cooperative Play
Campers will engage in small group movement activities to develop interactive play skills, coordination, and empathy.
Social Skills
Campers will practice turn taking, conversation skills, and understanding of non-verbal communication to foster improved ability to create and maintain positive relationships.
STEM Building
Using science, technology, engineering, and math skills (STEM), campers will work in small groups to improve collaborative problem solving and academic skills while building engaging projects with everyday items.